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James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher

索引 James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher

"James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher"は、多義語の語彙的曖昧性を巧みに表現した英文である。適切な句読点の位置を探し当て、文の意味を通らせる言葉遊びに使われる。哲学者のハンス・ライヘンバッハは、1947年、対象言語とメタ言語という異なるレベルの言語を説明するために "John where Jack …" の形でこの文を使っている。 引用符と句読点を打つことにより、この文の理解は次のように簡単になる。 語順や単語を少し変えると、意味はさらに捉えやすくなる。 同じようなことは"Fish and chips"(フィッシュ・アンド・チップス)の単語同士が等間隔に置かれていないと指摘するときにもいえる。.

5 関係: 多義語ハンス・ライヘンバッハフィッシュ・アンド・チップスBuffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffaloThat that is is that that is not is not is that it it is


多義語(たぎご)とは、ひとつで複数の意味を持つ語のことである。また、そのような性質を「多義的」あるいは「多義性がある」という。 元来別の語であったもの(狭義の同音異義語)と、同一語であったが歴史的に意味が分化し別語と認識されるようになったものとに分けることができるが、必ずしも区別できない場合もある。.

新しい!!: James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacherと多義語 · 続きを見る »


ハンス・ライヘンバッハ(Hans Reichenbach, 1891年9月26日 - 1953年4月9日)は、科学哲学者であり、論理経験主義の代表的主唱者。ハンブルク生まれで、ロサンゼルスにて死去した。.

新しい!!: James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacherとハンス・ライヘンバッハ · 続きを見る »



新しい!!: James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacherとフィッシュ・アンド・チップス · 続きを見る »

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo


新しい!!: James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacherとBuffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo · 続きを見る »

That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

"That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is"は、多義語の語彙的曖昧性を巧みに表現した英文である。この文は、適切な句読法の重要性を説明する例としてよく用いられる。 この句は、以下のように句読点を加えることで明瞭に理解できるようになる。 これは「存在するものはすべて、在る。存在しないものは、何もなすことがない」という、パルメニデスのような単純な哲学的格言を述べている。この句は、『ブルーアーの名言と寓話の辞典』(Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable)で最初に記されたが、1959年の中編『アルジャーノンに花束を』が1968年に『まごころを君に』のタイトルで映画化されたときに一般に知られるものとなった。.

新しい!!: James while John had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacherとThat that is is that that is not is not is that it it is · 続きを見る »

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